I certainly agree that brevity is important. I am not sure, however, that it is a good idea to apply this 3 sec rule to our life.
Have you seen on TV a Rosetta Stone ad featuring Michael Phelp? America, like Micharl Phelps, is obsessed with speed. We became the country of immediate gratification. If we want something, we want it yesterday, and we have a very short attention span for that.
I remember a snow storm in March in New York. The bridges were closed, and local TV was showing how people were doing their job to keep the city running. A guy called Daily News and complained that he had not received his Sunday paper. Hey, the bridges are closed, they couldn't deliver it. Yep, he knows. But the newspaper was supposed to be there by 7 AM at his door and it wasn't. Yes, he knew about the storm, that the bridges were closed, but he needed the newpaper to read about all that...
In reality wars are not a TV show. Yes, Clint Eastwood could win a war faster and more decisively, but Eastwood is not in Iraq and Petreas is not in Hollywood. But we do not care. And we should.
Real life does not start with a click of your remote. And it does not end there either.
Hey, General, you got 3 seconds: one...two...three... What, we are still there? We are still in Iraq? What the heck's wrong with my remote?